All papers submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore must adhere to the IEEE Xplore PDF specification for compatibility. IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function). Follow The Instruction below :
- Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site ( Please enter our conference ID : 62600X
- Final Manuscript Preparation
- For each conference paper, click “Create New Title”.
- Enter identifying text for the paper (the title is recommended but not required).
- Click “Submit PDF for Checking” or “Submit Source Files for Conversion”.
- Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file, and click “Upload File”. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.
- You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
- If the result is failed, please proofread the generated PDF file thoroughly. There could be missing symbols, equations, graphs and other reported errors. Please make necessary corrections to the source file and repeat the conversion process again. If problems persist, please use the online help provided in the IEEE PDF eXpressTM site for advice.
- After your final PDF manuscript passes the compatiblity checking from IEEE PDF eXpress, you need to approve it for collection. In order to submit your final manuscript to EDAS conference manager, you must use the proved PDF that is only collected/downloaded from IEEE PDF eXpress .
- Submit your paper and the signed copyright form to EDAS, using your EDAS login username.